My artist statement: I do not remember a time when I didn’t make art. It was always something I did, a part of me. I never actually made the decision to become an artist -I just made art. Artwork is a way of understanding the world around me and to visually communicate some of the qualities that can not be verbally articulated. It is a vehicle of intellectual, emotional, and spiritual discovery; one of investigation and learning. My work reflects an intimate journey, with its struggles and growth. It tries to understand our past, our common roots that connect us to each other. It is centered on the present moment and yet it hopes to project the viewer into the future; and with its dance of light and colors, it attempts to open up a glimpse into eternity. I have always been fascinated by light, with its symbolism and its ability to transform and penetrate even the darkest corners and deepest abysses. Art is one of the ways I can serve. I hope to be a craftsman and technician, a servant to the work, willing to listen to the silence, and to be open to discoveries and new possibilities.... I know my work is weakest when I try to own it, and refuse to relinquish my control. It is strongest when I participate as servant, empty enough to listen, and to dialogue.... with faith enough to let the work evolve. It is a wondrous journey for me; a journey of light, love and discoveries. It is a journey of faith that constantly rediscovers that even in the darkest moments there is always a light…and one is never alone. Denise Silva